Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So okay beside my bitter disappointment and dislike for Huckabee and Jon Paul. The there is Mc Cain ughhhh. Okay anyway we have a great day planned. We have play day today. We are heading to the park to play with our friends and blow bubbles. Lucas grabbed his basketball and asked if he could bring it. "I want to show everybody my moves."
another morning of laughter. I love my loopy kids!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I feel your pain about McCain. I want Romney to win SO bad. Anyways, cool new blog layout. Sorry I didn't respond back with instructions. I was planning to, but you figured it out before I did. FYI, the link you have for Aaron is someone else's blog. That is a link to an article that was written about him. He only has his myspace and another music blog where he talks about music influences. Anywho, thought I'd let you know. It's a good article though.