Tuesday, November 18, 2008

need some organization?

So I recently discovered as I sat down monday to pay some bills with some long awated money that the quest bill I recieved was a disconnect notice. oops guess we missed that one. So I have phone service but no internet. Now it kind of makes sense. It is paid now and I am just waiting for the check to get there and for it to be turned on again. This doesn't normally happen but DJ and I have a weird bill system right now becasue of his business. But with the real estate slowdown and the starting school over things got a little mixed up.
SO if anyone needs something to pray about. Pray for DJ to get a job. He has been applying for jobs for 2-3 months now and looking for something in pharmacy for that last month and a half. So we could use some help.


1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Prayers your way. I understand about the Internet being turned off. That's why we went without for a while. I thought I had paid the bill, but nope. Oops.:) See ya soon.