Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Myboy Lucas

I have this little boy named Lucas. This kid is amazing. He is so kind and generous. On mothers day I was not feeling well and he was sure to bring me snacks and water whether I asked for them or not. Then he would cuddle up with me. I think he knows that makes me feel better.
Lucas is in kindergarten this year. His school is very small and very strict. He is required to color realistically, color in one direction. Cut on the lines , paste straight and so on. I recently got his report card. He did well, very well in fact. He is in the top reading group and has an outstanding grade in math. However, when he has to color a picture he tends to go over board. For example when given a picture of a cow. He will color the cow and paste it as directed, but that is not good enough. He will then draw a barn, sun, and a eagle in the sky. He is sure there is a tree sometimes an apple tree and flowers. Oh and the cow is probably in a pasture so it needs a fence. He spends so much time embellishing his pictures that he doesn't finish it on time.
The problem is, I think it is great that he pays attention to these details and goes above and beyond the call of duty. He wants it right. This is a skill or a talent that not many people have. Most people do the bare minimum. Most kids will rush through the work in order to go to recess. Not my kid it must be done just the way he imagines it. That is just one of the reason I love this boy! He makes me smile and laugh every time I go though his school papers. I look forward to the many insights he has yet to share with me and the world.