Thursday, September 15, 2011

The value of a classic.

Today has been a weird day. I have noticed in my life when life is hard I think about books I have read. There are reasons some are classics. It's because of the long lasting lessons you learn. For example, Little house on the Prairie. Not only educational about the life of early American pioneers. But watching how people can live so happily with just their family. NO phones, facebook, tvs or even people. They work together as a family. Their are only kind words spoken and love and respect. I perfect example of how we should be living our lives and how little we need for true happiness.
     A couple years ago I had my first miscarriage. It was a very emotional experience for me. However, I read most of the Anne of Green Gables series during this time. She taught me to cling on to hope. That happiness is possible even in the hardest of times. A good imagination can go a long way.
   Today I was dealing with people who are unhappy with our ward. Sad they have no friends. Blaming and being offended my people who are just doing what they have always done.  I am reminded that bosom friends are hard to find but you have to work for it sometimes. There are people who have prickles but time, kindness and hard work and a little honesty can sometimes wipe those prickles away to reveal a person in need of a friend.
    I know also reflect on advice I heard from my Mother when I was a little girl sad I had "no friends" She told me to be my own best friend. I always made a joke out of it. Now that I am grown I understand the wisdom. It is the same wisdom as you are only in charge of your own happiness.  I have learned no matter what you do at the end of the day you can not change other people to be what you want them to be. Because that is not who they are! You can not depend on your children, husband, Friends, or neighbors to make you happy. They can't. If you aren't happy in the first place nothing they do will be good enough.
      If you walk through the world being offended by everyone. Well the first thing you are doing is hurting those around you. I think be offended is being selfish. You are not taking responsibility for your own actions. You are thinking of yourself. As I observed today. The person was offended and in doing so hurt many other people. Also when you are hurt by those who are offended you build a wall from them. I know I see that behavior and I know that person is not one to be close to. It will only lead to hurt feelings one way or another.
      However when you have a friend like Anne or Diana. Or a family like the Wilders. You learn love sacrifice and trust. But to get that you have to make it for yourself. You can not wait for it to come to you. Anyway. That's what is on my mind tonight. I am grateful that I have a good husband and we have a good honest working relationship. I am grateful for my bosom friends. Yes Katie I'm talking to you. I love knowing I have someone I trust and who loves me as much as I love them. Even though we don't see each other but once a year, If we are so lucky or friendship is solid like a rock. I love my parents and the sacrifices and service they have done for me. They are so supportive and kind. I love my ward family. It is such a interesting ward I'm in. But in serving in this ward I have gotten to know different people. I have learned about strengths and talents people had I would have never known had I not served in my callings. easy or hard I have learned to love these people.
Anyway I love the classics, I think I'll go read North and South now.
ok that's in
The End