Saturday, December 15, 2007

work a bear workshop

Lucas is 4 now and is telling me so many new and wonderful things.
The other day I asked Lucas what his favorite toy was... the story continues like this...
Lucas: "Giraffe, I love Giraffes! We could go to Target and get one."
Me: "Oh yea"
Lucas:" yea! Mommy, you know the work-a-bear workshop where best friends are made! They have a giraffe. We could get one at 6:00!"
Me: "ha ha ha ha Lucas you are funny!"

The End

- I think advertisers know what works and how well these kids are really listening.


Tammy said...

so cute! happy blogging...i'll be reading!!!

reidamylips said...

ahhh four year olds are so amazing....must run in the family!!!