Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hey does anyone else get migraines? I think I get menstrual ones. I weird discussion. Mine start somewhere around my eyes and end at my lower back. They also make me sick in the stomach. I take midol complete, drink caffeine sodas, ice packs, try to get DJ to massage, hot showers etc... any other ideas? They wipe me out for days and the caffeine keeps me up all night. Maybe I should just make an appointment with my doctor.

anyway I am sleepy but I think I am finally through them this month and they were only a 1-3. Usually they seem to come on Saturday night or Sunday morning and they are a 8-9. The I have to find a sub for church or I take drugs enough to function and where hangover glasses to church. I know awesome!


Tiffany said...

Oh wow. I am so sorry. I used to get them in college. I had a great roomate who got me caffeine and shut off all the lights in our room. Maybe you should see a Dr. Mine were just sress induced. I'm really sorry. Wish I was there to take the kiddoes.

Kim said...

man, that is so weird that this is your topic. headaches have been my theme for today. this morning i woke up at 5am with a terrible migraine. i usually don't get nauseous, but i was today and this was a doozie. luckly mine are short (about 5 hrs), but none the less entirely debilitating. i'm so lucky aaron will do anything to make me more comfortable. i get the blind spots before the pain sets in. i usually get a wave of numbness move across my arms or face. fun stuff! all i can say is shut off your mind or imagine yourself in a bathtub full of ice and just sleep it away.

El Jeffe and the Girls said...

I also had headaches this week (Friday and Saturday) but mine don't sound as bad as yours. I get them if I don't eat right or if I'm stressed. I know that caffeine helps for some but I have also heard that it could make them worse. Check out-

AZ Allreds said...


Eliminate any stress and get some extra sleep. Those are the 2 factors that contribute to my headaches. Also, warm compresses, hot showers or baths, and migraine ice (get it at the pharmacy and slap it on your forehead). Migraines are genetic in my fam -- so we are always trying to find ways to relieve them. Good Luck!