Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy BIrthday Eden!

Today is Eden's birthday. She is now 3 years old. I can't help but reflect on that day 3 years ago.
I'll share the story...
I was a week and a half over due. I had a cold that wiped me out the day before. So my sister in law Heather graciously took Lucas for the morning so I could continue to rest. Lucas was 19 months old and I think she just wanted to show him off. She is a very proud aunt. DJ was working and I was feeling much better. So I decided to do some of the things that I had avoided the last couple days. So I did some laundry and the dishes and such. I kept having contractions but thought I was just doing too much. So I went next door to my other sis in laws house, Shawna. Oprah was on and we were discussing the show. She noticed I was have pretty frequent contractions and I told her I was fine I was just over doing it today. So I decided to go take a shower. I went home and did that. but they were getting worse. I called DJ and asked when he was coming home. He told me he was coming soon. That was around 5:00 Heather showed up and I was on my futon reading about labor, trying to figure out if that was what I was going through. She came in and then went next door to visit some more nieces and nephews. DJ then walked in and his sister came back. By this time I knew I needed to go to the hospital. So as he and his sister were merely chatting I looked at him and said..."I need to go to the hospital right now!" His sister picked up Lucas's car seat and put him back in her car. We loaded up and went to the hospital, hitting every stop light. I was in real pain my this point and kept thinking just don't have this baby in the car. DJ was thinking I hope I don't run out of gas!
We made it to the hospital and I needed a wheel chair. So DJ ran inside. As he was dealing with the retarded people in the ER. I was staring at a chair in the parking lot that someone had just left. As tears rolled down my cheek DJ showed up. He took me inside and the nurse casually wondered over to take me upstairs. As we are going up the elevator she states."wow you've been contracting this whole time!"
So the put me in the "extra crap" room, had me get dressed, which I did quickly between contractions and then checked me. I was at 9 1/2, yeah this is around 5:30-5:40. So the rolled me on the gurney to labor and delivery. The nurse was not helpful, the doctor was a retarded man. They said it was too late for me to get anything.
They broke my water and Eden flew down and hit my pelvis bone. Ok people that hurt like hell and the doctor had the nerve to tell me to calm down. I would have punched him if I wasn't in so much freaking pain! However, a whole bunch of nurses ran in, I continued to push and Eden was born at 5:45pm.
She was dark red and round and beautiful. 7'11 LBs and 21 inches if I remember correctly. She was bruised and a bit of a mess.
I remember my friend Tammy coming to visit me at the hospital and I said Eden wasn't as pretty as Lucas was. She told me Eden was beautiful. I can look back and completely agree with that now.
My friends Tammy and Char both came and visited me int the hospital. As well and DJ's family. I called my parents (who I talked to that morning and they were in Utah. They thought I was calling to tell them about my doctors appointment I had that morning. But I told them I was holding my beautiful baby girl. They laughed and the planned there trip for the next day to come meet Eden. They came for a week and my Mom stayed for and extra week. She couldn't leave me alone with Lucas and Eden.
I am so happy to have her in my life. I can't imagine what I did with out her all these years. But I think I always felt her presence. She is funny. Loves to dance and sing. She loves to help cook and clean. But especially cook. She is smart and has an amazing imagination. I love her so dearly.
So today we will celebrate the day that she joined us!


Moose and Family said...

Well Happy Birthday to Eden!!! I remember hearing the story the first time 3 years ago! I wish my labors would go that fast. Maybe this time...yeah right.

Jennifer said...

I loved Eden's birth story. I even got emotional! Time goes by so fast huh? I can't wait to have a little girl someday. Enjoy her 3rd birthday & many more to come!

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Happy Birthday Eden!!! We love you. We are sorry grandma and grandpa were with us when you were born, but so glad we got to hear the happy news. Being 3 is fun. Just ask Benjamin. Love you bunches cutie pie!

The Erickson Five said...

Happy BDay Eden. You are Woman hear you roar! You go girl! I am a new blogger! Sign me up sista!