Saturday, August 30, 2008

roosters anyone?

So we had gotten some little chickens who all turned into roosters. They pleasantly began crowing at 5:30 am. So I asked for them to be removed. We were not interested in the preparations for having fried chicken for dinner. So grandma and grandpa came and took the away,
Mom told Lucas they were going to Mr Gonzales's farm and that was Spanish for Ole' Mac Donald. I laugh every time I think of it.

So farewell to the roosters I hope they enjoy there life with the other chicken on Mr Gonzales' farm.
We'll try again for chickens we want eggs.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

I love your new background. Very cute and the picture of Lucas and Eden, so adorable. We can't wait to come visit. So, did the rooster become a meal, or did it really go to a farm?:O)

El Jeffe and the Girls said...

So you didn't like the wake up call? I don't think I'd want roosters or chickens. Heck, we don't even have a dog.