Friday, November 7, 2008

everythings comin up roses

So I learned how to make roses in my cake decorating class. I actually did very well. These are roses I made. I also made a lemon cake with lemon filling and lemon butter cream. Yea it was good. I finished the first class and I am probably going to double up and take course 2 and 3 starting next week. That should be fun. Anyway this has been fun to do I hope I get to practice and get better at my technique.


Tammy said...

looks really good! donnie saw your blog header and said you have cute kids...thought you'd like to know! :)

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Looks like you have been having a lot of fun. Pretty. Do we get to see when we come visit?:O)

Moose and Family said...

Looking good!! You'll be the expert cake decorator in no time at all. Think of all the money you'll save by making all your kids cool birthday cakes!

Katie Richins said...

You're awesome! I like how that lighter rose is darker toward the middle and lighter on the rest of the petals. You're a quick study!

El Jeffe and the Girls said...

You're awesome! Good job.