Friday, November 14, 2008

what the heck?

For some reason my Internet is not working. Much to the frustration of DJ and I. So we are having to hit up my parents for access. DJ is now working from my parents house. I on the other hand will be unable to show my newest cake. I am taking classes 2 and 3 right now. one right after the other. It is really fun!
Also we had preschool Olympics on Wednesday. The kids had a great time. I have pictures of that too. But it will just have to wait.
So until we figure out what is going on. Have a great day! and possibly a happy thanksgiving!


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Maybe we can see when we come? And I will wish you a Happy Thanksgiving now, and later! Yay!:O)
Sorry about your Internet.

Katie Richins said...

Dang! That is no good! And, as I already know, REEEEEEEALLY inconvenient. Hope that situation gets fixed up right quick!

By the way, my word verification is dograp. Just say it fast.

Kaleene Henn said...

call me again, Please! I didn't call you back fast enough and now your number is gone again. I will program this time, I promise. love ya,