Wednesday, December 17, 2008

knife safty 101

For knife safty I would like to share some steps I learned this week
1. When at the wal-mart deli and you ask for a quarter pound of munster to be cut at a size 2 make sure they cut it in a size 2 and not in 2 pieces before leaving the store.
2. On discovery of 2 pices od cheese, make sure you are not tried, hungry and frustrated. I sujest you call in back up before proceeding.
3. If you choose to proceed by yourself. Try a cheese grater or cut the cheese in small slices away from you.

4. Never! Hold the cheese in your hand and try to cut the cheese toward your finger with a bread knife. Really dumb idea!

5. If you do choose to go ahead with step 5. Call Grandma and grandpa, wash the hold thumb inside a papertowel and lay on floor (during the going into shock part) Go to urgent care and get 7 awesome stiches. BTW the numbing process is the worse part! The best part is not being allowed to wash dishes for 10 days.

Anyway this is all very good advice for the season I hope you all appriciate it.


Katie Richins said...

Yikes! Are you kidding me!!!! How horrible! I hope it's feeling better, (and congrats on that 10 days without dishes thing - almost worth it!)

amyndodd said...

Is that really your thumb? Hey I did post a picture... look again.

sheila said...

yes this is my thumb I think it looks like my finger has hair plugs... I guess this is a little disturbing.

Alyssa said...

holy crap Sheila!! That looks painful. You never realize how much you use your hands until you injure one of them. Hope you make a full recovery!

Wendy said...

WOW!!! You sure go all the way! Is there anything you won't do to get out of doing dishes? ;)

Hope it's getting better FAST!

Aaron Borst said...

I learned the same thing about foot safety. Just ask DJ and Aaron Serr. I need to stay away from sharp objects.

AZ Allreds said...

I seriously cut the same finger about the same time...mine didn't require stitches thank goodness, but it looked (& still does a bit) a little deformed. My cutting lesson was that you should always use a cutting-board and not cut a potato when holding it in you hand and are distracted! Smart me!