Sunday, February 17, 2008


Yesterday we had a wonderful day. A baby shower for Sue. DJ went to the gem and mineral show with my brother Dave and sister Sara. Later in the evening we helped celebrate Chris Neely's birthday! It was a nice day. However the most unexpected thing happed to us, very quickly...
DJ heard little Madison Anderson informing Lucas that if he went pee pee in the potty he could go with her to her house. In Gilbert! DJ tried to tell Lucas that this is something that is decided between the Mommies not him and Maddie. Lucas then burst into his most hurt heartbroken cry. DJ called me to let me know what was going on. I heard Tammy in the background saying he really could come home with them. So I said send him. I packed him bag and sent my baby to Gilbert. I will drive up Monday afternoon to bring him home.
I called last night to see how he was and talk to him. Dave said he had watched a movie all the way home. Then they ate spaghetti (a favorite of the boy) watched a little bit of a movie and ate popcorn (another favorite) and when I called he was waiting for his turn to take a bath. He said hi to me. I tried to ask him about all the fun he was having when I heard him say "Brooke is out of the bath!" Then suddenly I was talking to Brooke and he was on his way to take a bath. I am glad to know he is an independent little guy and isn't afraid to be away from us. In fact I think he has forgotten we exist!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Not to worry. He loves ya. And, isn't it nice to have someone give you a respite for a while knowing he is in good hands?!:O)