Monday, March 10, 2008


Eden is walking around this morning saying wizz-ad. You know wizard from that cell phone commercial. He is totally cracking me up!

Anyway my update. I need want and have to lose weight! Today I got up at yes 5:30 got to the track at 5:45 (where my sister was already running) and joined her for a 45min walk/jog. So I got a mile and a half plus a few "push-ups" and such. My sister is amazing! She has lost 50lbs! I think she'll be a size 10 before me and I am a 12! But, if I can keep this up and get used to it. Maybe I will be able to get to my size 8 or better yet 6!! I miss being a 6.

OK I have finished my crunches and tracking my food. I think I can shower now. later...

wait Eden is now jumping rope. She kills me!


Tiffany said...

Way to go!!! Both you and Sara get my huggin's. I lost my 15lbs being sick. I want to loose five more. I am a baggy size 8 so when I buy new pants they will be a 6. Yay for loosing weight!!!:O)

Moose and Family said...

Good for you!! As soon as the weather gets just a little warmer - the kids and I will start walking every day. I need to keep the pregnancy pounds down. I gain too much in the beginning when I eat to soothe the nausea, but I usually offset it in the end. Good Luck!!