Saturday, July 26, 2008

I need a nap!

It is Saturday and it is a busy morning. I had clean the building this morning at 7am. Then I came home cleaned up and packed up to make it to the church ballpark by 8:40 so I could searve syup to people eating pancakes for 20min. When I was all done with that we hung out. Lucas discovered a dunk tank. All he had to do was throw a ball at a target and people would fall in the water. He thought that was awesome. Eden did too. They were so cute. Then the played in the sand box and Lucas ran around with a water balloon. DJ played ultimate frizbee with his friend Tyler.
IT was hot and humid today.
So since we have been home I have been so tired and the kids are wanting to play and DJ has to work and do homework.
I am so tired right now I could fall over. It has been a long month.

But we are going to dinner at our friend Katie and Tyler's house tonight. Yea I don't have to cook and the kids will have entertainment!! YES!

1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Sounds like you had a fun day. I understand about exhaustion. After I got all of my errands run, on my blog, I mowed our big yard all by myself. I sat down and ate 3 popsicles with my boys. I need a nap too. And I have to make dinner.:P Lucky you who doesn't.:)