Monday, July 28, 2008

Meal Planing

So I am trying to accomplish an amazing task. Meal planning. I make week-month worth of meal plans. For dinner that is. I have things written down for lunches and breakfast. I also have the staples that are always needed. Like bread, milk, and ice cream.

So basically I am wonder what everybody else does. Where they get ideas. How often the repeat meals. How do you get all the healthy stuff in the day?

Just wanted to know


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

I have a weekly menu that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have a month of menus that I rotate through and keep it that way. Usually I stick well to the plan, but if I don't feel like one thing that night I will swap with another night. I always know I have the supplies for that weeks menu. Hope that makes sense. If not, just e-mail me for more specifics.

Janalee said...

ok, I posted the Q over at my blog. So far I'm impressed with your menu for a month though!

Katie Richins said...

I do a 2 week menu, and then list fgeneral breakfast and lunch ideas on it, and keep in hanging on the frindge to check easily. That's pretty similar to what you are doing. I also have a binder with recipes and stuff in it, and in the front I have the things we normally eat split up into categories, like soups, Mexican, etc. I list things that go into multiple categories in all places, because first, how do you decide why it goes in one place more than another (like my creamy chicken tortilla soup, for instance), and second, just stumbling on something you're not searching for can lead to a little inspiration.

AZ Allreds said...

Hey, if you have a big freezer then you should check out the Frozen Assets cookbook. it helps you plan good and healthy meals ahead of time and freeze them. I know plenty who do it...I don't because of the lack of freezer space. You might like it.