Wednesday, February 13, 2008


well Lucas woke up every 2 hours last night with a fever and a headache. He won't eat anything so he has a tummy ache. But I bought him some naked juice and he is drinking that. We'll see if that helps. He is also complaining about his ear. But I don't believe in penicillin and I think that these things should try to heal themselves. You know a strengthen the immune system as much as possible and only go for serious drugs when necessary. I don't want my kids to build an immunity to super drugs.
Anyway so we'll see what happens I may call the doctor tomorrow and try to get him in by friday, so if I have to get drugs I am prepared and I won't have to go to the urgent care.
The sad thing is Lucas has a valentines day party Thursday at preschool and he won't be able to go. I am sad for him but he doesn't know and he'll have plenty of parties in his life I am sure of it.
DJ is amazing! He has been helping with my Mom's kitchen remodel and it is looking great! However, he is a little behind with work and school now. I think he's going to have a late night tonight. At least he works from home.
that is all


Janalee said...

I'm like you with the antibiotics. One thing to try for earaches. Onion juice. Put an onion wedge in a garlic press, if you have one, or somehow manage to squeeze the juice out of one and drop it into their ear and let it soak in while they lay there. It's helped my kids several times with earaches. I did it just two days ago to Abbey and her earache cleared right up.

Tiffany said...

I am so sorry about Lucas. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. I too believe in no meds. until necessary. My kids are a constant for ear infections though. Urgh! The Dr. is talking tubes for Giddy. I hope everyone is well for the party on Saturday. Have fun.