Friday, February 8, 2008

friday mornin

So I have had a good week. I managed to clean the kids rooms, my room, and frankly the whole house. Not only that but it has been clean all week! Including the laundry. I thought in doing this I would be able to do something today. Alas the girl is sick. She got a fever yesterday evening and now I am sentenced to a full day in mi casa. Oh well. Dishes always have to be done and I guess I can take step 2 in getting my house really really clean.
I have to admit it is kind of nice knowing I have a day just to be home and not entertain or be entertained. Well. I still have Lucas. That boy gets bored and needs a lot of stimulation. I hope his collection of animals will serve him today. He has enough toys to keep anyone entertained for days!
Well I guess a shower would do me good today. Maybe I'll even get to read more than one chapter of Emma today! This could be a good day after all!


Tammy said...

enjoy your day!

Tiffany said...

Sorry little girl is sick. Hope she gets well soon and mommy has a good day!:O)