Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Husband and Father in law too.

So I wrote all about my Daddy this morning. Now I will celebrate my husband. DJ and I met about 8 years now. We actually met at President Hinckley's Birthday celebration. The one where they had a broadcast and Gladys Knight sang.
I'll go into the courtship when it is our anniversary. Anyway, when I was looking for a husband I wanted someone who would love me and be a great Father. When DJ took me to meet his family I met his Father. At one point I saw his Father on the floor playing Austin (grandson. He was playing Winne the Pooh. I knew that if this was going to be my father in law. DJ was said not to fall to far from the tree. I knew I picked a good apple.
Boy did I! DJ is kind, loving and calm. He is happy to kick a soccer ball around with Lucas. Dance with Eden. Tell the kids stories. Books or something he makes up. He watercolored with them the other day. He walked Eden home and a bike tonight. (it has a push handle to help move along the process)
He is excited to see his children grow. He loved them, loves them and will always love them. Not to mention he treats me like a precious gem stone. Because I am there mother. I am glad he is the Father of my children. He is a great father and he wants to be better. He is willing to take the good and the bad of being a parent. He allows me to be the Mom and he listens to me.
I know he loves me and our children and will love any child to come. He is my darling DJ.


Moose and Family said...

DJ is a great man, and I'm glad he found himself a great woman! ;)

Happy (belated) Father's Day to my brother from another mother!


Dad said...

DJ is a great son and one that a father can be proud of. He had his moments, and questions to where to go in life, but I am glad he had the foundation to stand tall on and build. He has grown from a somewhat shy guy, to a very well round individual. I feel his mission brought the best of him out and am so thankful he took the road he has. WE where blessed with his spirit, and his family is blessed now to have him as there patriarch.

Love you son - Dad