Saturday, June 21, 2008

My new love!

So I have a new obsession. Yes it is the Elizabeth Gaskell collection. For all you Jane Austin fans I invited you to partake. There are 3 movies. 1st wives and daughters. I enjoyed it, after I got used to the girl. 2nd Cranford. So hilarious!! It will make you laugh and cry! Then my favorite North and South. beautiful and rivals the beloved Pride and Prejudice.
What is so fantastic about these works of art is the stories are more real. They cover the classes. You see what each class is dealing with and how they live. Warning people die. But It is so real and beautiful. I love love love them. DJ is enjoying them too.
The acting is great. I encourage all to partake!!


Jennifer said...

Now I want to read them all! I'm not much of a reader, but I have a whole line up now. I have to finish the Twilight Series and start on The Host (all by Stephanie Meyer). I'm finishing The Dairy of Anne Frank and reading the B of M. Ahh! Where is all the time in one day?

The J said...

I've seen wives and daughters and it took me forever to get used to the lead girl too! I lover ROBERT! So fantastically handsome! The guy that played Osbourne did an exceptional job (he's from pirates of the caribbean). I was taken a back in the beginning because he's so short! LOL . Anyways, totally loved it! I'm so glad that you put on here what her other movies are, I had no idea! I need a new obsession, i've read the twilight saga books three times already! LOL

The Erickson Five said...

I am a HUGE Jane Austen fan! I will take your word and read them Sheila! Thanks!